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Katherine Hayles at UF

The Digital Assmebly is happy to announce that on February 29th, 2008 Katherine Hayles, Hillis Professor of Literature in English and Media Arts at UCLA, will deliver her lecture, “Complex Ecologies of Narrative and Data: Moveable Type and Only Revolutions.” from 4-6 pm at Pugh Hall 120. Dr. Katherine Hayles also will be leading a graduate seminar at the REVE facilities at UF from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The graduate seminar will include Katherine Hayles fourth chapter from her upcoming book, Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary and her essay “Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes” with citations.

The seminar is open to UF graduate students of any discipline, and all graduate students interested in new media, cyberculture, and the future of literature in the digital field are encouraged to attend. The seminar will be jointly moderated by Terry Harpold (Associate Professor of English, UF) and Craig Saper (Professor of English, UCF), and videoconferenced live between UCF and UF’s REVE facilities in the Digital Worlds Institute.

Professor Hayles requests that all attendees read in advance of the seminar two draft essays drawn from her ongoing research and writing projects. Please note that because of the technical logistics of teleconferencing the seminar will begin at 10:30 sharp. You are encouraged to arrive at the REVE no later than 10:20.